Variationen des Themas
streetlamp goes off
- Man (enters) on the street, waits under the lamp, eyes fixed on the window
- Woman enters (in the house), opens the blinds, looks out of the window
- Man is hiding
- Woman goes to the mirrow, checks herself, flicks hair, goes out
- Man goes to the window, looks in
- Woman comes back with tea
- Man back to the lamp
- Woman drinks tea
- Woman finishes the tea, clears up, goes out
- Man goes out
streetlamp comes on
- Woman enters (from the street), switches the lamp on, draws down the blind, takes the book, reads, falls asleep
- Woman in the sleep: sits boltupright, slumps back, sits boltupright again, flicks away a fly
duing her sleep the greek mythological episods about Io, Zeus, Hera, Inachos and Hermes take place
- Man reenters, delivers a letter, leaves
- letter awakes the Woman, reads the book, picks up the letter, opens it, reads
- Woman angrily stuffs the letter back, goes to the writing-desk, takes out paper and pen
- Woman begins to write
- Man enters, waits under the lamp, eyes fixed on the window, goes to the door
- Woman finishes the letter
- Man about to knock
- Woman gets up, checks herself in the mirrow, lipstick
- Man turns back to the streetlamp
- Woman flicks hair, puts on a scarf, swichtes off the lamp, goes out